Monday, July 21, 2014

El Reino de Dios o Nada


Things here in Ocozocoautla are going good. There are always ups and downs to the mission life. (Mostly good). 

On Tuesday night is was Pouring outside so I figured i´d wear my water shoes all of Wednesday to be prepared. Wednesday started of as a SUPER hot day, but around 6, 6:30pm it started to Pour. Me and my companion didnt mind. We only had one kids size umbrella and were dying laughing because the wind kept flipping it inside out. Later that evening when we were preparing to go home I started to feel blistering swelling on the sides of my feet because of the rubber rubbing against my ankle. We were 3 blocks away from our house and I thought, it hurts, so I took my shoes off and walked home barefoot. When we got home I thought, ¨Oh man, I didnt step on glass or any rocks. The Lord is looking out for me¨.

On Friday I had my ¨Cumple Mes¨as a missionary! Whoo! haha. That by far was the best day of the week. Everything seemed to be going perfect. Street Contacting all day, and everyone kept agreeing to have a cita with us for that weekend. Our investigators were going solid. I committed two investigators to being baptized August 23rd and they accepted.By far the most nervous and thrilling experience. Especially because as a missionary all you want is to help these people and you know baptism is the Only way. The start of their eternal happiness.

We have 11 solid investigators. Each vary,some have doubts about the restoration, others have faith but need to Act, each have their desafios but I know the Gospel can and will continue to help them change their hearts, change their actions and mold them into the Person our Heavenly Father sees them as. 
 I know that me and my companion are continuing to find the ¨escogidos¨ de Coita. We are working with the Hernandez Family, they have intitative and a desire to do the right thing, they only problem is they´re not married. We´re working on it.Hermano Hernandez has a little problem with the word of wisdom but reads his Book of Mormon daily. He´s already in Jacob. 
 We have a new investigator named Victor, he is very receptive. He reads his Book of Mormon and prays. We have Mario del Rosario and her two children. They are by far my favorite. I´ve always heard of - the look - when you just know they´re understanding the gospel and have a sincere desire to do what is right. Thats her. I´ve had one of the most spiritual lessons with her as we talked about the temple and bore our testimonies of eternal families. Her husband is coming around. We hope to begin teaching him this week. 

On Sunday we had 7 of the 11 planned to For Sure come to church, our districts goal is to have 5 investigators in Sacrament every Sunday. After an incredible Sunday last week when only 2 of them showed up I felt saddened. But the Lord works in mysterious ways. A member named Mario brought 2 of his friends to church with him. We taught them a little bit of the Plan of Salvation after Sunday School. After relief Society, one of them, Maria de Los Angeles told me, ¨Quiero saber que es la naturaleza de Dios. Quiero saber cual es la verdad¨. It was like magic. I told her that she was in the right place. That these questions she had I and my companion would help her answer. And that one day she would say just as I do that this church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church of Jesus Christ. The true church. She smiled and said she hoped.We found a family who just suffered the loss of their 19year old daughter. They understood the Plan of Salvation. Each day I am amazed at how the Lessons fit into each persons life depending on their necessities. This gospel is for EVERYONE. 

There is so much work to do here. I feel overjoyed to be the one to be able to serve here. As a missionary i´m continuing to grow each day. As I testify of the truth of the gospel I truly am becoming more converted to the gospel as others are converted. I am here to change their hearts. There´s a quote by Bishop President Gary E. Stevenson that says, ¨You have the Savior of the world on your side. If you look for His help and follow His instructions, How could you fail?¨ I testify that this is so true. 

I am here and will serve with my whole heart as long as the Lord will let me. I´m here to soften hearts, to allow Everyone to know these truly are the Last days. There is a plan of happiness designed for everyone.

I love the scriptures. Read the Book of Mormon. Find joy in reading them. It is truly a blessing and priviledge. 

Thank you for your support, love and prayers. I truly feel strengthened by them each day.

Hasta la proxima. Los quiero mucho, 
Hermana Coronado 

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