Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mi familia de Oro

Zion Prospera!!!

Mi querida Familia,

This week has been one of the best weeks of my life! After many awaited weeks me and Hermana Hernandez have 2 baptisms planned for next Saturday August 9th! Whhaaaaahooooo!!!! I cant even explain how excited we are. 

This families story is awesome. Last Sunday, July 20th we were sitting in Relief Society and this 23 year old lady named Citlali stands up and says the closing prayer. Afterwards we were approached and told she was an investigator. We approached her and introduced ourselves and asked her if we could visit her that week. We taught her the Plan of Salvation that same week on Tuesday. Her husband Jose Luis had been less-active but served a mission in Mexico City, Mexico. They have a 10month old daughter named Ingrid (the happiest baby i have ever met, she is always laughing and smiling). After the lesson she shared a few of her doubts and worries, we helped her overcome them and encouraged her to not rely on our help, but to kneel down with her husband and pray together. We came back on Wednesday and challenged her to get baptized and she excepted. Last night we taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ to which she understand perfectly. I am truly amazed at the power of the Spirit. It testified of the truth to hermana Citlali and all her doubts and worries have been resolved. She is so excited to get baptized by her husband Jose Luis. Jose Luis has a 9 year old little sister named Dorly who we are also planning to have her baptism with Citlali the 9th of August. 

The Lopez Family is truly incredible. Citlali´s family is adventista, and Jose Luis´s parents Nelly and Francisco are also less active but have now started coming back to church. My heart swells with happiness to know that Citlali and Jose Luis are truly preparing to make their family eternal. We are planning to extend this invitation to Citlali´s family. I cant wait to continue to spread the gospel!

The greatest blessing as a missionary is to know that my purpose isnt just helping people come unto Christ its helping people understand their potential as Children of God. Helping them keep their focus in this life on the end goal; to live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for all of time and eternity with our families. 

The mission consists of many diverse experiences. Saturday all but 2 of our Citas fell through so what did we do... Contact.... Everyone, literally. We contacted 74 people. It was actually really fun. Many people do decide to reject us to which i always think, ¨When I see you again you can´t say I didn´t try to reach out to you¨. Rejections on the mission make us even stronger as missionaries. I always think with every person that says no there is someone out there who will say YES.

The work of Salvation is about converting, reactivating and strengthening each other. I love this gospel. 

My first companionship exchange (intercambios) was this past week. Hermana Meletz is one of our Zone Capacitadoras, she is a fire-ball. My confidence in teaching has grown so much. I am not afraid of difficult questions. It helps me become a better teach and to truly learn more. Simplicity is Key!!!                 

Be bold. Share the gospel. 

Thank you for your constant love and support. I truly feel fortified each week.

Hermana Meletz, mi capacitadora de Zona

A members pollito, i loved these little things 

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