I am so happy for the Brian Family and their temple sealing. There truly is no greater blessing than becoming an eternal family. Many people here notice that I don´t look like the people of Coita and when I tell them i am from Houston Texas many ask me why I would leave everything just to come to Mexico. In these occassions I simply reply, ¨I left my family for a short time in order to help other families have theirs for eternity¨ . This usually sparks their interest and at times we are able to set up Cita´s with them.
I was so excited to write last week that I forgot to say just how Fun P-Day was. We went to the Zoo and ate pizza aftwards, aka I was in Heaven, you all know just how much I love my pizza. Afterwards we went to a park in Tuxtla and played sports!!! Basketball, volleyball and soccer. Presidente George played with us in the blazing sun. He is too funny.
This week has been full of many random events. If there´s one reason I love being a missionary it would be because we never know what is going to happen throughout the day, who we will meet, or what memories we will make.
I dont know if I have told you about Abiel. A little over a month ago while contacting basically every potential priesthood holder (male) we saw, we saw an elderly man, roughly early 60´s sitting outside of his house. When we approached him we told him a little bit about who we were and touched very basic principles of the gospel. He immediately let us into his house and we taught him the first lesson that day.
Abiel had been in a Motto-taxi accident and injured his foot, a week later he began to loose sight in his eye. We began to get very nervous because we wanted to help him progress spiritually but knew there would be some implications if he couldn´t walk to church or read the Book of Mormon. A month later after his foot had healed (2 weeks ago), he began attending church. This past Sunday was his second church attendance and again he stayed all 3 hours. This Saturday our branch is having its branch church cleaning at 9am. After church yesterday he told us see you on Saturday. We told him that cleaning the chapel was mostly required of the members to do, in which he replied, ¨but I want to clean¨. Yeah, he is definitely a golden Investigator.
He will be baptized September 20th and we couldnt be more excited. I told Hno. Abiel I wouldnt be satisfied with leaving until I know he is baptized. We all laughed. I know he will be a faithful priesthood holder. I felt it the day I saw him.
As well as Abiel we have his nephew 19 year old Angel who we have planned to be baptized within 2 weeks.
Yesterday evening my companion and I went to visit the Cabrera Family, all recent converts. They were baptized this past april, Hna. Ceci, Hno. Eduardo and their 12-yr old daughter Dani. They began asking me how to say phrases in english and it ended up turning in an english lesson. They asked me if I would begin teaching them english a few times a week. I told them I would if they invited their non-member friends. They agreed. So now I am an english teaching missionary, hahah.
Seek missionary opportunities. If you don´t pray for them they will never come. Pray to love others and love to serve them. The Lord will always provide answers to us when we are willing to be obedient, humble and Specific! Specific prayers, specific answers. Don´t sleep through the restoration, continue being the member-missionary you are. Now that I am a missionary I know we can NOT do it alone.
Sigan fieles, sigan felicez.
Onward and upward.
Con Amor,
Hermana Coronado
Nancy and Dani, two young women in my branch (future sister misionaries)
In response to if I am eating enough in Mexico... I dont suffer :)
This is a Cafeteria called San Antonio in the Centro de Coita
The roads I walk daily
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