Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nuestro ¨Angel¨ Investigador

 Mi querida gente!!! Hoy comienza otro cambio. Y..... Me estoy quedando en Coita! 

Since yesterday I felt that I was going to stay in Coita and that my companion was going to be leaving the area. I joked around with my companion and told her I was going to have an American companion and she told me should would go back to Tapachula. 

Well, that happened! My new companion is Hermana Wilson, she is also 19, and is from Riverton, Utah. She is coming to Coita from Tapachula. I already love her.

This past week has been full of many tender miracles. Angel was baptized on Saturday. Before making his baptismal program we asked him if he would like to bear his testimony at his baptism in which he told us he didn´t because he doesn´t feel comfortable speaking in public. We told him it was only if he felt the desire to share his testimony then he could. As we took pictures with him before his baptism we were all awkwardly standing by each other (standard missionary pose) he told us, ¨Hug me!¨ Oh we sure wish we could have. 

The day of his baptism, as he entered the water in the baptismal font he looked over at my companion and I and had the biggest, most sincere smile on his face. After he changed and we prepared to sing the closing hymn he looked over to me and signaled that he wanted to speak. I jolted to my seat to hear him speak. He stood and bore the most beautiful testimony I could have ever imagined. Angel was a timid young man, but in a matter of 2 months had become a strong, fervent young man with an earnest desire to change his heart. He began to cry as he bore his testimony and we all began to cry with him. All I could think was: this moment, this feeling right now, it is so worth it. It is always worth it. 

Prior to my mission people always asked me what it was that I was most looking forward to. I always replied, I want to see ¨the look¨, the look in someones eyes when they understand the gospel, and there is a click in their head, when they have applied repentance in their life and they are truly wanting and willing to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Angel is a perfect example of this pure love - desire to come unto Christ. 

I know with all my heart that the Lord prepares His children and if He has enough trust in us (his missionaries) he will always provide the way for us to help them come back unto His fold. I love my Savior and am eternally thankful for the atonement of Jesus Christ, for the faith I am able to place in him each day, for the opportunity I have to fall each day, get back up and try again. I know with all my heart that this true is the Only way for us to come unto Christ. I am thankful for the trust of my Heavenly Father each day.

I love you all. I love Him. He loves you more than you will ever know. Put the Lord first and you will be blessed. CTR.

With Love,

Hermana Coronado

The happiest Kids in Coita

Cumple 3 Meses, como vuela el tiempo

Adios Hermanita Hernandez! Buena Suerte en Tapachula!

Dani Cabrera tiene un corazon tan grande!

Angels Baptism!

 The ¨America¨ Wall makes me so happy.

A Water Well, a place in my area where I feel like I enter some magic world

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